We find the one when we find our self. Our love, our partner, our best friend, they are all reflections of who we are. They reflect how we treat ourselves, what we believe, and what we think about ourselves and the world. In order to find your person, you must find yourself. You must focus on yourself, and not depend on another to fill you up, to change, or define you.
Two emotionally stable, independent people come together and fuse into an unstoppable, harmonious love when both people are whole. That person comes when you least expect it because that’s when you’re not forcing anything. When you’re not thinking about settling down, and your focus is spent on yourself. Your wellbeing — mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual. When you accept, and are at peace, with yourself. Only then can someone truly accept you, and you can let them accept you, because you are not dependent on them.
You attract what you believe. It’s all a thought process, a mentality. But one that you truly live by, not the one you tell others and lie to yourself about. Take a deep, hard look at what you believe, what you think, and how you act. What wounds are you acting on? How do you treat yourself, and how do you treat others? That can give you insight on how you feel about yourself, and what kind of events and people you attract into your life that confirm your beliefs.
Once you identify what major negative beliefs you are living by each day, you can start to change them slowly. You can start to see a different side of things. There is always another side. And once your old beliefs and habits start to change, things and people will start coming into your life that align with your new beliefs.
A job that is right for you, a partner that accepts and loves all of you, opportunities that you didn’t imagine were possible. It’s incredible how the synchronicity of life starts to work and do it’s “magic”. But what that “magic” really is, is your thoughts. That’s it.
What you think, you become
What you feel, you attract
What you imagine, you create
He said it best. Simple, yet powerful.
Your mind creates your reality. You cannot control anything except your thoughts and actions. Your reactions and mindset form your life. Start with what you can control. Spend time with yourself. Heal yourself, forgive your past, and others, spend time with loved ones, do what you love, travel, read, spend time in nature, look at everything that happens as a guide and direction to the right path.
Everything happens for a reason. Embrace it. Once you begin to embrace it, and feel the shift within you, you will attract who and what is right for you. Trust in yourself.
Source: Alexander Panait