What does it mean to love? - Placid Us

I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one who’s had to ask themselves that question over time, nope!, we’ve all danced along to the different tunes *love* has either played us or has had to surrender to our perceptions and imperfections.

It’s difficult for *the growing* to see what the reality of love is most times isn’t it? A lot of us fall into that category, *the growing*, but it’s ok, there’s nothing wrong with growing as long as that’s what you do with all the piles of crap you dish out and receive.

We all think we’ve finally gotten it figured out until we are humbled by our mistakes or those of others. But sometimes it takes a while to realize what these mistakes are because our egos, pride, maturity and will sometimes get in the way to cloud or judgement or suspend us in a state of denial. A lot of people may want to disagree with the above submission, it’s ok, that’s what our defensive mechanisms were imbedded in us for, self preservation, it refuses to expose our bubbles to getting burst.

I’m sure now you’re wondering what any of these have to do with *love*, well here it is, my two cents.

Love isn’t some perfect entity *relationship goals* hashtags can ever truly represent. It’s not pretentious or laced with fluttering yellow butterflies that spill honey every time you sneeze. Nope!!. What it really is, is a choice. A choice to selflessly look deep into the imperfections of someone other than ourselves and choose to rate them more important than our own selfish desires. A choice to care even when we don’t feel like it, to listen for opportunities to satisfy someone other than ourselves or to simply listen. It’s trusting when you may not even understand and conceding despite the clamors of your ego. It’s a lot of work that requires a constant supply of effort.

But nobody paints love in this light because then it just seems to hard a feeling to manage.
The thing is though, love is an investment. One who’s dividends are unparalleled if managed right. The profits are endless, the resultant effect of which generates companionship deeper than the depths of the Atlantic, sustained passion that proves sturdy even in the harshest of storms and hope constantly lit even in the darkest of hours.

Love is and always will be the greatest of investments, hence, you’ve got to be willing to put something real into it, it’s got to cost you something.
Let me borrow these words from a poetic orator who’s name I don’t quite remember
Aren’t we all unfinished? Don’t we all need editing? Aren’t we all waiting for someone to read through us and say that we make sense?
Love is whatever you work it out to be as long as its unselfish and always seeking to be true. Herein lies the true effort required to love, a function of your will.

Source : Placid Us
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