Wordsfrombimpe Instagram

We all want this beautiful relationship wearing the same outfit , same socks , kissing and making love to each other , laughing at each other jokes and other cute things every couples in a relationship indulge in. But there will be a time you will be asking yourself an important question about your relationship. I did ask my self a question about my ex I loved so much .

Does his family know about me?

Does he trust me?

Does he accept me for my imperfection after sharing my deepest secret?

Does he believe in my dream?

I got my answers by asking him and he said : my family does not know you , he does not trust me , he does not accept me for my imperfections , yes he believe in my dream but not too deeply. I made up mind to let go and he has a girlfriend in his country and am in Nigeria , fooling myself believing he love me so much.

I have been turning down guy’s offer when they ask me out believing that am in a relationship which is all friendship to him , I am deeply hurt but have move on.

It is not a crime to be single , I feel free and happy , my conscience is clear.

I realize my mistakes , the reason have been in that relationship , is the fact that I read romantic books and they make me believe so many things , watching couples kissing and making out , romantic movie , making my friends to believe I have someone in my life that care about me so I can feel special and on top of the world.

Being single is a good thing and you are free to do so many thing , no control , jealousy or comparison , you can hang out with friends , have fun , date guys without being in a relationship , have your own personal time.

I have not have sex for like two good years and am not suffering you can see from my picture , I am so happy and grateful for every challenges , you will find someone that is what I know is not going to be the perfect but someone who will truly love you and never let you go . You are in his heart , thought , body and soul , he look at you with adoration , love and fire that you are the most beautiful thing he ever has in his life. That is what I truly want , I am tired of deceiving myself and picking the wrong guys.

So yes I am single and grateful to have wonderful friends , family , the gospel and God in my life.
A broken relationship is not the end of the world , move on and live a happy exciting life , time is so fast that if you do not make good use of the time , you will regret it , so make good use of the time you have as single lady or a man.

Follow me @wordsfrombimpeoninstagram , thank you for reading and keep following.

Digital Bimpe Blog

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