Today , I was inside bus stuck in the traffic for three good hours , I was listening to music and I got tired and decided to listen to Radio is been a long time for me and I felt really good , the presenter brought up an interesting question and he said: What is the role of a man and a woman in a relationship? We all need to understand is not just about marriage alone , relationship that started from dating to courtship and then marriage.
I listened to the opinions of all those individual who responded to the topic and I realize we all have our perception and before you got married to that person , you should know the kind of person , you are getting married to avoid regret in the future.
Some of the speakers where in support of the fact that a lady should be equal with men in the role of being a breadwinner of the family. While some people were against it they quoted passage from the scriptures about the man and the virtuous woman.
The host concluded his speech with their role accumulation and financial capability.
As for me I recall two years ago I was engaged to a guy and I was still in College and he was acting like a man in love and you know a man will always be a man then he started changing and I don't know the Man who was sweet to me and wonderful anymore , he was a different person , so he used an excuse for me to get out of the relationship and he said: What can you bring to the table? In my mind I knew exactly where he was heading to but I was like , why is he bringing this topic that should have been the foundation and I just knew deep down , he was not ready to settle down.
I recall a words from a friend and he said: " If am married I wont allow my woman to work , her concentration should be on me and my children but does not mean she cant do things but it must not bring her far away from her family , the closeness , communication and love must be there because I am the breadwinner of the family"- anonymous
That friend is about to get married and I am happy for me , which means everyone has their own mentality. We need to look at our modern world we live in , it saddens my heart to realize how many children have lost their culture , proper upbringing which most children lacked because both parent are focus on money and career.
I love the response of one of the speaker that responded to the question and he said: " From the beginning the world was created a man is known to be the head and the lady as a help mate , which means she is to be a companion and supporter , I don't agree with the fact that she should be equal with the man in taking responsibilities , if she has the financial capability and she want to support the family , it is fine with me but I wont impose on the fact that we have to split bill"
What qualifies you to be a man?
What qualifies you to be a woman?
There is nothing bad in supporting the husband but if the man keep imposing on the fact that you need to also pay bill and make comparison of other women's , it makes no sense to me which means is not a REAL MAN.
You should know your responsibilities and the woman should know hers also and there should be understanding among each other without shouting and cursing each other.
It is always good you know the kind of relationship you want and define it properly to avoid 'Had I Known'
Wish you a beautiful day.