
I read a post this morning and I was infuriated by the harsh words of men that ladies who are not virgins are meant for hook-up and they can't see themselves being in a relationship with one who is not a virgin.

I questioned myself by saying in my mind, do you think ladies who are not virgins wish they were not? or they wanted to meet a fuck up guy who cares about shagging ladies and not ready to be fully committed to the lady.

The first guy who had sex with me made fake promises that he will married me and I was in college , my freshman years , yes I was 18 years but have always wanted to marry early not because of money but that what I want , when the guy got want he wanted , I saw the signs that he is not ready but it was an experience that  made me wise and more careful towards assholes like him.

You want to marry virgins but you are not a virgin, who does that? I define men who does this as an immature prick who need to grow the fuck up, you are the same kind of men who seduce a lady with your charm, words and body and when you are done with what you truly want, you want to marry an innocent lady what about the innocent lady you use, who will be her man? We have good men and will also have bad men.

After reading the content on Naira land, I have come to the realization that ladies we give too much to the wrong guys who deserve our love and I won’t blame you for the mistakes you must have make, who am I? neither am I perfect but I encourage all ladies to be careful of guys who you go into a relationship if you know he is not the guy who is serious about you , please leave and move with your life , there are other guys don’t believe the wrong mindset “ men are few” they are not few they are everywhere all across the country , you just need to open your eyes , don’t be desperate to be in a relationship with anyone , be patient and don’t let them treat you as a trash , if he does not know your value then he is a big fool.

To the guys who feel is a must you must marry a virgin, you are just a hypocrite who says things and don’t act upon it, guys like you are the ones who are not faithful to their wives.

It is not just about marrying a virgin but someone who is mature, discipline, spiritual and has what it takes to love and have a long-lasting eternal marriage.  Someone who will cleave unto you both good and bad times and wont run away.

Someone who will cherish you and be faithful to you forever, your fighter, best friend, adviser, positive individual who will always encourage you to believe in your dreams and never give up.

A lady who has an extra oil, who is always prepare and ready to fight her battles no matter the obstacles she passed through in life, someone who understands pains and sweat and won’t take your love for granted.

I don’t see it as a bad thing not to marry a virgin but to the men who makes it compulsory that is a must you must marry a virgin, start with your own self and keep your dick inside your pant and stop having baby mamas and increase rate of abortion.

Don’t just be a man who has a sweet mouth be a man who act towards what he says.

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