Opinion: Jamie&Nikki Separation Saddens My Heart And Their Social Media Fans

Image result for jamie and nikki  When I started following this couples on Youtube I was so fascinated by the fact a Black and White Couples could end up together and have adorable smart childrens most especially Eva or Ava as they call their first born.

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Nikki really inspired black women out there about skin and having beautiful families that I could remember I was crying and wishing when I was ever going to find that man who is going to love and we will have beautiful babies together.

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I kept on posting their pictures on my whats app status informing my contacts for those who don't know them that they couples who are truly inspiring and yes they are not perfect but their love but guys I never knew that when you get so attached to couples like Jamie& Nikki you would be heartbroken because Truly , I am devastated! and I wont hide my feelings because it hurt to see couples who have been together in dating + relationship + courtship = Marriage which is six years for them and they announced on Instagram that they are no longer together after the RUMORS told us what happened and why they are splitting.

We all should admit that there was no fake lies it was all true guys.

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If there is a lesson to learn is not about putting your relationship on social media because we have so many popular icons who are doing it and they have been together for 20 years and above is about being with someone that understands you , communicate with you at all times and lastly someone that loves you without not just words but actions because if you love me , you should be ready to make sure this relationship work at all times.

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You wont give up on me

I could remember I had bad times with my Boo and then I started the giving up part and then later that night I knew that he  is not worth giving up and yes he say absurd things and I love him so much and wont allow just a minute argument or fight breaks the beautiful relationship so I ran so fast to go and buy recharge card and I called him and then we talked and thats just it,

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No beautiful relationship is worth splitting for, the truth is make it work no matter what , there are days it wont be good or sweet is part of life so accept that and make your marriage or relationship  worth fighting for because when you are cleaving unto someone you are not just having sex with them you are cleaving to their whole soul , mind and body.

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I hope you support my word and make sure you share to change lives that broken relationship is not worth it and lets encourage forever marriage and relationship because it is worth fighting for wholeheartedly.

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