I became increasingly outraged by her failure to cook rice properly- Man, 54, speaks on why he beat his girlfriend to death in Cross River

I became increasingly outraged by her failure to cook rice properly- Man, 54, speaks on why he beat his girlfriend to death in Cross River

Etuk while being paraded before newsmen said he never had the intention of killing Ms. Ndereke.


“I became increasingly outraged by her failure to cook rice properly, which became a major point of contention between us. She almost burnt down the house while cooking. She didn’t add enough water before turning on the gas and she almost burnt down the house.

When I asked her why she behaved that way, that was when we started arguing then I beat her up. I never intended to kill her. I have never had any serious issues with her for the past two years that we have been dating. Unfortunately, our altercation escalated, resulting in her tragic demise after she slumped during the fight. It was never my plan to kill her. I was only angry because she was careless and almost burnt down someone’s house'' he said


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