About Afen Blockchain



AFEN Blockchain Network stands as a pioneering force, spearheading the adoption and innovation of Blockchain technology in Africa and beyond.

Our journey began with the mission to raise awareness and understanding of Blockchain technology’s diverse applications and use cases; today, we have evolved into a dynamic launchpad for groundbreaking innovation, pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the world of web3.


The AFEN launchpad is dedicated to propelling innovative startups towards success by offering a comprehensive ecosystem of cutting-edge infrastructure, advisory services, and a vibrant community.


The native $AFEN token serves as the core foundation of our ecosystem, empowering holders with access to various use cases. With a robust tokenomics structure, holders can participate in staking for rewards while also leveraging the token across our expanding ecosystem to unlock diverse benefits.

Digital Bimpe Blog

Business Promoter Digital Marketer Business Enquiries: bimzy2011@gmail.com Social Media Handles: @digitalbimpe

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