
“Common sense is not common, have sense “

What kills man is the fact they don’t think, before acting ,why would you as a guy try to be like woman ?,act like a woman ,dress like a woman ,talk like a woman is foolishness and totally rubbish  and involve yourself in homosexuality .

Try to have a quiet time, my brother you need to think and ask questions, am I doing what is right? Ask your friends, neighbors listen to them, yes the truth hurt, but is a great change to your life.

It is so funny that a guy broke your heart; you fell so deeply and wanted great things to happen eventually it did not work out and you wanted a change by going into lesbianism, what kind of absurd change is that, who does not have a broken heart, everyone has it does not change the fact that there is a wonderful person for you, stop and have a positive mindset, where does lesbianism take you to? Will you have a family? Have kids, will you be happy at the end of day of your life. 

Most ladies are fond of committing suicide because of the word ‘love’ my sister if these man really love you he will be at your side always and never let you go all he want is sex , sense my sister , don’t starve yourself or even think of doing crazy thing.

Is your choice to be happy, so be happy?
No offense, why is that some people are just so dirty, you walk into an environment there is a trash bin instead you litter it on the floor...Sense
You will even eat there and bath, without cleaning and you will come out looking gorgeous, who you are deceiving that you are clean, you are not.

Being sexy is not your boobs or ass that you are exposing let me define that it is “stupidity and advertisement for call girl” a real woman won’t do that to attract man, what attract man is the inner beauty, intelligence, attitude, hygienic, spiritual [God fearing] ………..

Beauty without sense makes you a nonentity, stop trying to seduce men and seduce your life, work on yourself.

It is good to look good but be moderate stop looking like a clown and be real, artificial is temporary.

A friend of mine shared a story of she asking her friend how much she bought her phone the lady told my friend 80 k my kind of phone which is not up to that, why do people like lying, sincerely what do you gain?

Lying takes you nowhere but reduces you; no one will want to be a friend to a liar.

Fake life, living an expensive life claiming what you not and telling the world you are that when you have not gotten anywhere I dated a guy and he said he is a mariner and I ask if he has an apartment is been on renovation for two years, the phone is carrying up down is a gift, the cloth Is wearing is someone’s clothes.

Ask yourself this question how will my future look like , identify and plan yourself , time wait for no man remember that so make use of what you have “ be contented with what you have and not who you are , upgrade yourself , think big don’t stay in one place , don’t live in a rented apartment , think of building your own home , don’t spend all your time working for someone , invest on what you love doing that gives you so much joy and happiness .

‘Some people might go to school and still be illiterate , illiteracy is not define as you not going to school , there are lot of them who are making it I don’t believe that ‘ 

Making  jest  of people shows you are not better than them , insulting someone who don’t have what you have may later have , stop judging people by the cover , look beyond .

At bank you meant cue and you decided to call yourself oga at the top and you were insulted and mocked for doing that , change and have sense , rushing into bus are you the only passenger inside the bus , patience goes a long way .

You have a large sum of money and you are spending It on irrelevant things when some people don’t have , suffering , weeping and you are showing off the dollars trying to make matter worst is that sense …why don’t help someone and observe your environment and put a smile on someone’s face you will never regret it .

‘Thinking out of the box with a positive attitude and a mindset’

Be inspired 

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Words from Bimpe

Digital Bimpe Blog

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