Five Things Anyone Can Do To Become More Attractive

“It’s not enough to be yourself. You must be your best self.” — Neil Strauss

Be yourself. The most regurgitated piece of advice on the planet. It’s vague and lazy but it comes from a good place.
A more accurate way of saying that is, be brave enough to show off the best parts of your personality while minimizing the worst parts.
There are qualities that we all possess to varying degrees and by cultivating these universally human qualities we inevitably become more authentic versions of ourselves.
Here are five personality attributes you can cultivate starting today to become the most attractive version of who you are…


Passionate people are magnetic. You can spot these people right away just by the tone of their voice. Excitement permeates their entire being when they speak. Pay attention to the next time you get excited about something. The changes in your body language. The way you feel. It’s almost intoxicating.
The way we develop passion is by pursuing that which naturally intrigues us. We become immersed in it until everything else fades away. Time becomes inconsequential as we allow ourselves to be consumed by our passion.


Pursuing our interests with fervor we acquire knowledge. Knowledge applied leads to experience and experience leads to competence. Once we reach a certain level of competence, we become confident.
Confident people are confident for a reason. They’re usually really good at something or several things. Confidence is one of the most valuable assets in life.
Even if you’ve never done something before, like playing the guitar for example, confidence is the voice that says, “I got this.” The more we engage in those activities that light us on fire, the brighter we burn. Confidence is like a heat that we radiate. This heat provides us and others with warmth and comfort. The warmth and comfort of expressing ourselves.


Authentically expressing ourselves is one of the crucial outcomes of being confident
That means telling the truth, regardless of the outcome. By speaking truthfully, we develop our unique style of expression, like an artist who finds her voice.
Once we recognize our own voice, we can learn to develop it thus gaining a deeper level of respect for ourselves while depending less on the opinions and judgement of others. The best part about being honest is that you begin to attract the right people and circumstances into your life, repelling anything else that isn’t on a similar wavelength.


Curiosity is the key that opens the door to life’s infinite possibilities. When we make an effort to inquire about someone’s life we make that person feel heard.
The truth is, we all want to feel important and validated. Ask questions and go deep. Ever have a conversation with someone you recently met and afterwards you felt like you had known that person forever? The connection was so real, that in that brief moment, two souls got lost in eternity. Whether you’re more introverted or not, to genuinely desire to get to know people is one of life’s greatest treasures.
People that ask questions are sexy.


Someone who is comfortable in their own skin will tend not to take themselves too seriously. They won’t be afraid to let their inner child out and be silly and goofy.
Through reciprocity, when we lower our defense, other people are more likely to do the same. We’re all a bunch of little kids at heart and part of being human is the desire to frolic and shoot the shit with others whose company we enjoy.
How do we cultivate playfulness? Play an instrument, go dancing, say hi to strangers, , make fart noises in a crowded elevator. Do anything that will take you out of your head and into the moment. Watch children play. What are they doing? Most of the time they’re screaming and not standing still. They’re excited to be alive and not afraid to show it.

Being attractive has very little to do with your physical appearance although it does help if you brush your teeth every once in a while.
It’s about living a life you feel excited about.

It’s about feeling attractive.
It’s about sharing your passions, being confident, honest, enthusiastic, and playful.
And that’s what being yourself is all about.

Source: Jcdiosmo
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