How To Attract A Man Attention

If you want to attract a man attention , drop a thing on the ground and ask him to pick it up for you — Matthew Hussey

How to attract a man attention is for the shy ladies who can’t walk up to a man and tell him how they feel , what is on their mind about the guy , what they want if it is platonic or relationship.
It is not the makeup , sexy cloth , expensive gadget is about you being yourself when you feel no one is watching.

1 Be Real
Stop pretending and acting like who you are not , men love a lady that is real , their natural self not a loud makeup that shout for am “desperate” for you , it scare most men away.

2 Learn to smile
If you are the type of lady that frown all the time , if you really want a man attention , smile , it is attractive and all men love it when a lady smile , it makes them curious to know the reason behind your smile.

3 Be respectful and not rude

Most ladies are rude , they judge by the outward appearance not the inward , every man love a lady that is respectful and polite. for instance :

please can you pass me the drink.

Excuse me.

I am sorry.

4 Stop faking who you are not

Social media is really intimidating that most men live by the lifestyle of social media not their own , who are you? what do you like ? act more like you not Kim Kardashian , Kylie Jenner , they are different from you , stop trying to be who you are not , the bust enlargement , plastic surgery are just temporary , most men love a lady who is real and not fake , her background , lifestyle , the way you do they find it attractive.

5 Laugh More

Laugh at his joke , the way he talk or act , he find it cute and attractive , laugh at yourself , don’t be serious all the time.

laugh and forget your sorrow.

6 Be fun to be with

Don’t be this kind of boring woman , have fun , be playful , be weird , be crazy , be funny , make him to laugh that he would wish you are with him all day and night , make him think about you and dream about you because he cant see himself with anyone but you , his world is darkness but with you is a light.

7 Ask him for advice

Don’t be to proud , like you know it all , you are perfect and don not have a flaw , let him see you for your imperfection and he will be with you if you want him to not only to cheer you up but advice you when you need it.

We all need a man in our life is not just about the intimacy but someone we can put our shoulders to , love , care , have fun with , sleep with at night , snuggle with and act cute , funny , weird and dramatic , they bring light into our world and even when it does not last you will always have a flash back of the good times and it make you smile.

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Copyright: Pereira Oluwabimpe

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