Relationship: 7 Signs Someone Is Thinking About You


1. Subconscious Lingering Smile: Do you know the first thing that you do when you see one of your friends whom you haven’t seen in a while? You smile at them and that smile will stay on your face for about 10 seconds or more. Your subconscious gives away the fact that you like this person. The same goes for someone who barely knows you but who has been thinking about you. When they meet you, it will be the same for them as seeing an old friend they really like and so they will smile which will linger for 10 seconds or more. If their subconscious likes you, it will give itself away in a lingering smile like this.
2. Constant Smile: When someone likes you, they will not converse with you in a regular neutral manner but will have a smile on their face as they talk. They have been thinking about you for a while and now they get to talk with you in person. This will make them feel happy inside, and this internal feeling will be manifested with an external smile that stays throughout your conversation together. Conversely if the person talks with you in a regular neutral tone without smiling, it is a strong indicator they have not been thinking about you.
3. Subconscious Desire To Be Close: People think it is fate or destiny that causes a person to fall in love. In reality it is actually the persons subconscious mind that has caused them to fall in love because it has determined that this specific person can satisfy unmet needs in the persons life and so would be good for them. The subconscious then looks for ways to brings this person into their life. The way it does this is to make them fall in love with the person. The subconscious’ desire to draw this person into their life can also manifest in the person being drawn physically to the person they like. So if the particular person you like is often in your company or comes up to you a lot, it is a good sign they are thinking about you and his subconscious mind is drawing him close to you. They will also tend to stand in close to you rather than at a distance.
4. Subconscious Line Of Sight: When someone is thinking about you, they will have a subconscious desire to keep you in their line of sight. From the previous point, we see that the subconscious is working away in the background and has made a determination they want to bring this person into the person’s life. The person’s subconscious will be interested to see you, what you’re doing, and who you’re talking to etc. Even if the person doesn’t directly look at you (in case you might see them looking at you), they will be subconsciously inclined to want to keep you in their line of sight.
5. Subconscious Feet And Leg Direction: Our feet always naturally point in the direction we are walking to. Over time this has set up a subconscious link between our intentions (what we want and where we want to go) and where we point our feet. If you like someone and are sitting at a table with them and a group of friends, it will feel unnatural to fold your legs and point them and your feet away from the person you like. It will set up cognitive dissonance in your mind between your desires (the person sitting at the table) and your intentions (wanting to be with that person). As a result, your legs and feet will naturally point towards the person even if you are not consciously aware of it. If the person you like has their legs and feet pointing in your direction, it’s a strong sign they like you and have been thinking of you.

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6. Taking An Interest In Your Friends: You will know that a person has been thinking about you if when they talk to you, they will also make an effort to talk with your friends. A person’s friends have a big influence in a person’s life and so they will have a subconscious interest in who you hang out with and in getting your friends to like them. The way to know they like you and not your friends is if they spend more time talking to you than your friends and if you are the last person they speak within the group before they leave.
7. Approaching You For No Real Reason: As outlined previously, when a person’s subconscious has determined that you would be a good person to have in their life, their subconscious will look for ways to bring you into their life and bring the person close to you. This can get manifested in the person wanting to approach you even if they have no real reason to. Their subconscious is over-riding their reasoning and making them approach you like this without having any obvious reason for doing so. Approaches like this are a sure sign that they have been thinking about you.
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