What It Feels To Be In Your Twenties!

When you are in your twenties, you start thinking straight unlike when you were a teen or eighteen and nineteen years.

When I clocked twenty and as a graduate, mum kept on reminding me that time wait for no one and I have to start thinking about my career and future plans.

On my birthday, while celebrating it with friends and family, I kept on pondering about my future and I am this kind of lady that is hardworking who finds it hard to be lazy.

*  You will focus on your career.

* You will focus on your relationship.

* You are beginning to plan your life.

* Trying to get laid a foundation for a stable future.

* Having a balanced lifestyle.

- being conscious of your weight and size.

*  You have a responsibility to cater for.

* Your Maturity has been developed.

* The way you think is different from when you were a teenager.

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Digital Bimpe Blog

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