Why You Should Not Force Yourself On Any Man

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Ladies, a man who really cares about you will go the extra mile to check up on you and will never make excuses for his reasons why you guys can meet each other.

I see ladies doing this, including myself and I have been there before and it hurt when the guy you truly care don't care about you.

The worst part is giving the guy your cookies and he dumps you for another woman except if he loves her, it can be defined as a relationship.

You are beautiful, sexy and should not force yourself on any man if he can't accept you the way you are, you are better off from that kind of guy because he is foolish and not wise.

A wise man will not let go of someone who has great potentials not because I said so but that is what he will do.

He will marry you right away, love you not just for your body or looks but because you make him and there is sunshine in his soul whenever he is around you.

You deserve that kind of man that will treat you right and not someone who doesn't value neither give a shit about you.

So Yes! don't be cheap , keep being yourself , treat yourself right , be happy , go places , read books either motivational or love , travel not just because Bimpe said so and if you don't have sister is not by force , you can travel around your side like going to the library , museum , cinema , stadium and other places.

When you do all those things and you put yourself first and love all of you, the right man will come along, I will repeat again, he will come along!

Digital Bimpe Blog

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