Surround Yourself With Positive People

You are who you are by the people you keep around you — Bimpe
Positive people

dream big

think big

paint an image of the future

believe and support in the vision

Goal oriented individuals

Sharp thinkers

Critical thinkers

Initiative of Ideas

If you surround yourselves with negative people you will continue to live in darkness and lose your sense of identity and confident in your dreams and visions. It is better you avoid having a close relationship with people who are not positive all they do is discourage and complain instead of acting responsible and playing their part in making change.

I was at an event today , a drug initiative program and I was privilege to part and to see people have worked with and they are positive and confident about what they are doing that is the value of surrounding yourself with positive and great minds. The founder of the initiative is a very good friend of mine and I was shock by what she did to make a change in the society by drug awareness and am very sure it must have taken her for like three months to come up with that idea. I am proud of her and the other guy who performed today , I was fascinated and impressed by his talent and seriousness to what he is doing , I remember how we started , the journey and the movement to make them to be bold.

When you surround yourselves with positive people , you see great changes and difference in your life than before.
You become a new person entirely and a different maker , you don’t spend time on gossips and negativity , you use your time and effort to make a change and that is a good choice to make. I advise you all to stay close to positive people , become their friends , learn from them and don’t judge them by their appearances.

Digital Bimpe Blog

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